A retirement developer in Stafford has heeded the call of its green-fingered residents and installed a brand new greenhouse in its gardens, as well as donating gardening equipment to inspire them to continue growing together this summer.
Gary Saunders, Sales Consultant at Deans Park Court in Stafford, said: “At Deans Park Court our residents will be able to cultivate plants and flowers and grow vegetables on the land, working together alongside our professional gardening team.”
Gardening became a particularly popular past-time for many of its residents during the recent lockdowns, and the team at Deans Park Court want to do everything they can to help nurture this into the future.
Gary continues: “During lockdown many of our residents would spend hours pottering in the gardens, enjoying the fresh air and tending to the plants. It was invaluable to them so we thought we would do something to try and encourage even more of our residents to get involved, and carry on doing so now that restrictions are starting to be lifted. Moving home and leaving behind a large garden doesn’t mean you have to forgo the pleasure of growing your own, and our residents are looking forward to being able to do much more of this.”
The arrival of the greenhouse has been welcomed by one homeowner who used to grow tomatoes before he moved, and is keen to carry on doing this. Another thought he would have to stop growing his favourite sweet peas but he has been able to sow his seeds and they are currently flowering.

Susan White (Sue), a homeowner at Deans Park Court, along with her husband, took part. Susan said: “Volunteering my services in the gardens has really kept me going and given me something to do when we have been locked down. Over this time we have planted so many different flowers and shrubs – it’s now awash with colour for everyone to enjoy and a really fabulous place to get-together and spend time. We have now established a herb garden so we can all use for our cooking and salads.
“I wasn’t much of a gardener before I moved here but what has been great is I’ve been able to help out at my own pace, and whenever I have the time. Anyone can join and get involved whether that’s the odd hour here or there, or on a more regular basis. There’s no pressure and the gardens are for everyone’s enjoyment.”
She continues: “However you choose to enjoy the garden – from the comfort of a patio chair with a Gin and Tonic in hand or down amongst the weeds or ‘growing your own’, everyone is welcome to get involved!”