Gateau Rolla
This impressive almond meringue and decadent chocolate Christmas dessert recipe comes from one of our lovely McCarthy Stone Retirement Living PLUS homeowners. It’s a unique take on a Christmas cake recipe.

Posted 25 November 2022

Prep: Around an hour Cook: Around an hour


- 4 egg whites
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp sieved flour
- 11 oz caster sugar
- 6 oz butter
- 2 oz ground almonds
- 4 oz sweet chocolate
- Extra grated chocolate
- Whip egg whites until stiff
- Gradually fold in 8 oz of caster sugar
- Fold in the ground almonds
- Cut out 4 rounds of greaseproof paper each 8 inches in diameter and oil lightly
- Spread each round with mixture and bake very slowly at 120 degrees C (250 F gas mark 4) until lightly coffee coloured
- When the top is set turn over and remove the paper and continue to dry the meringue in the oven
To make the filling
- Place the egg yolks in a double saucepan over hot but not boiling water
- Beat in the remaining 3oz sugar until thick and creamy
- Add cocoa, softened butter and chocolate and continue to beat until smooth
- When the filling is cool, construct the cake by spreading it evenly over each meringue and stacking
- The top layer is also spread with filling and then topped with grated chocolate
- Leave to set for 24 hours and enjoy the next day!