Blyton House Enjoys Mexican Fiesta

Residents at Blyton House in Bourne End blew the January blues away with a Mexican themed Fiesta, complete with Margaritas and a Pinata!

Mexican fiesta Blyton House hero image
News and community
Posted 16 February 2022
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Blyton House Enjoys Mexican Fiesta

Celebrating all things Mexican, the evening showed off Blyton House residents’ zest for life, as they adorned colourful sombreros, moustaches and kicked up their heels with the help of some traditional maracas. Residents, family, friends, and staff were all welcome and joined in with a Mexican themed quiz.
Mexican fiesta Blyton House group photo

House Manager, Allison Crews-orchard hosted the event with the help of the resident’s family members, who contributed by making a spicy salsa, cornbread, and fajitas.

Allison said, “It’s fantastic to see everyone come together and join in with the celebrations, the residents have enjoyed it immensely (especially the margaritas!) It’s occasions such as these that truly demonstrate the vibrancy of our retirement communities.”

Commenting on the event, Blyton House resident, John Pritchard said; “What a wonderful way to start the year! Events like these prove to all present, that we have come here to 'enjoy life - not die!”

“I can’t thank Allison enough for arranging a fantastic 'Mexican Night', it was enjoyed by all, lifting spirits for everyone, especially the newcomers to Blyton House who were not present on the previous occasions when we enjoyed ‘Hollywood Night’, ‘A Night in Paris’, 'Turkish Night’ and similar themed nights in our community room.”

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