Stay fit in retirement: aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics is one of those exercises that, for some reason or another, fell out of fashion a little while ago. It was also one of the countless classes that became a Covid casualty over the last year or so. Perhaps, like with many things in life, the heart only grows fonder when absence plays its part, and this is certainly the case for aqua aerobics, which has seen a well-deserved revival in recent months.
This fun water-based activity, known to make both your body – and heart – stronger for longer, is ‘low impact’ training. Though, do not let this phrase fool you, as the aquatic life is one of challenge – anything you do is harder in the water than out of it.
Water is said to be up to twelve times more resistant than air, so you must work your swimwear off to complete moves you find straightforward on land. Water resistance is quite simply a weights regime, though the routines you’re most likely to perform in the water can be achieved with gravity on your side, meaning that you remove the possibility of straining your joints.
When you allow water to support your exercises, it’s quite astounding what you can achieve. Plus, it really is as challenging as you make it – particularly when you equip yourself with a swim noodle, water weights or webbed resistance gloves. The real beauty is that it’s difficult to overheat in water, so however hard you push yourself, you’ll feel positively fresh whilst doing it. It’s when you emerge from the water that you feel all your hard work!
Take the plunge
Most local swimming pools have aqua classes and, whether a non-swimmer or water baby, super-fit or looking to start on your fitness journey, a water workout will do you the world of good with a wealth of benefits too, including:
- Being a great cardiovascular workout
- Strengthening and toning your muscles
- Improving your flexibility
- Stress relief by feeling refreshed