The Freedom and Flexibility of Renting in Retirement: A McCarthy Stone Case Study

a deck with tables and chairs
Property advice
Posted 01 August 2017
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The Freedom and Flexibility of Renting in Retirement: A McCarthy Stone Case Study

Renting in retirement is a trend that is gaining traction. The number of private renters aged over 60 reached 414,000 in 2017, up 63 per cent from 254,000 in 2007. This is according to the Centre for Ageing Better who estimate that a third of people aged over 60 could be living in private rented accommodation by 2040.

At McCarthy Stone, we have a number of options that allow people to either buy, rent or part buy and part rent their property. 

Find out More About Renting with McCarthy Stone

If you’d like more information on renting and our wider options, or would like to take a look around your local development, then please get in touch on 0800 201 4811 or book a viewing at your local development.

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