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60 Orphanage Road, Erdington, Birmingham, B24 9HX
Back to Botham Place Erdington


a group of people holding a sign

Helping to recognise the outstanding contribution the Friends of Witton Lakes (FOWL) group provide in maintaining and improving Witton Lakes Park in Erdington, the McCarthy Stone Foundation has donated £500 to encourage more local people connect with nature.

Made up of a group of local residents, FOWL will use the money to create engaging information boards detailing the insects, amphibians, and animals that will inhabit its ‘Hibernation Station’ during winter.

One of FOWL’s most recent projects includes installing an accessible trail within the grounds of Witton Lakes Eco Hub – an environmentally focused community facility - to steer visitors past the Hibernation Station and dedicated areas for frogs, newts, butterflies, and bees, which help nurture their growth and survival. 

a wooden bench with a sign on it
The donation is just one of several being made as part of McCarthy Stone’s Happier, Healthier Project which aims to provide financial assistance to community groups.
Chair of FOWL and Witton Lodge Community Association, Linda Hines MBE, comments: “I have lived in Erdington practically all my life and I am incredibly passionate about the local area and encouraging local people to help make a real difference within their community. FOWL is a fantastic initiative helping to make Witton Lakes Park a wonderful place for residents and schools to enjoy, whilst protecting the abundance of incredible species that live there.
“As a group made up entirely of volunteers, we truly value all kinds of support. We’re especially grateful to McCarthy Stone for their generous donation, which will be used to purchase information boards, so visitors can learn more about the park’s native species.”

a bench in a garden

Lindsay Roberts, Environment Manager at McCarthy Stone, comments: “Supporting and engaging with the communities close to our developments is a key focus at McCarthy Stone and we are delighted, in partnership with the McCarthy Stone Foundation, to lend a helping hand to Friends of Witton Lakes Park. It was great to get a better understanding of all the fantastic work FOWL is doing and I’m pleased we’re able to support initiatives that align with our business goals on environmental and sustainability.”