Linlithgow High Street update

Last updated: 12th Nov 2021

The remedial works are now complete. We will continue to maintain the site until it is sold on. 

We have replaced the paving flagstones on Linlithgow High Street and therefore completed the remedial works. Previously we added the railings, as well as a temporary surface to the pavement and repainted the front elevation of 77 High street. The top soil has been seeded and we have a plan in place, including watering and mowing the grass, to ensure the site remains well maintained until it is sold on.We will now actively market the site. 


After successfully completing Templars Court adjacent to the High Street in August 2015, it was not commercially viable for McCarthy Stone to develop the land in front of the development as we had originally planned.

We offered the site to West Lothian Council for a peppercorn sum, but this was declined by the Council. We then agreed with the council to replace the paving and railings as a matter of urgency, ahead of a future sale.

Unfortunately the delay to the remedial works was exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Government’s restrictions within the construction industry, as well as difficulties, common to the construction industry as a whole, in obtaining the materials we needed to finish off the project.

We are sorry that this work took much longer than anticipated and understand the frustration it caused.

We will update this page if there is new information, you can also contact our customer relations team: [email protected]